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Tag: Edification

My sermon notes on Psalm 1, for our Sunday School class

The following are my sermon notes and commentary on Psalm 1, for our Sunday School class. By the grace of God, the glory of God, the exaltation of Christ, and the edification of His church. Brief IntroThis first Psalm was most likely written by David, and was written over 1,000 years before Christ’s birth.This first

An Exposition of Psalm 27, by Pastor Bill Rhetts

This exposition is a lesson and an exhortation on the benefits of trusting in God, and putting our confidence in Christ. That the Lord’s people need not fear the corona virus, the political climate, losing our constitution, not even death. And what about that clandestine relocation.

Video of a Reformed Baptist Pastor Evangelizing the Public 👆

Because this video was uploaded to this channel, I established a new Facebook connection with another Reformed Baptist Pastor. Similarly, like myself, he desires to connect to like-minded Heralds of the Gospel. In a personal dialog with me, he expressed his concern with the growing number of “reformed” evangelists that prefer to “get tied up

Our Nation’s Top Cop has spoken on the COVID ‘Church Closure’ issue – Podcast 31 🚨🚓👮‍♂️🐕👍

Our Nation’s Top Cop, Attorney General William Barr has finally addressed the unconstitutional tyranny that a majority of local churches have succumbed to. Soli Deo Gloria!. “The Constitution does allow some temporary restriction on our liberties that would not be tolerated in normal circumstances…’ But even in times of emergency, when reasonable and temporary restrictions

Police cite 25 Christians at Temple Baptist Church in Greenville Mississippi, & the Agency that desires to remove COVID-19 victims from homes – Podcast 28

In this episode, I discuss the tyranny of the Greensville Police Dept, as they issue 25 citations to Christians during their church service. And how America’s current administration has embraced an agency that desires to forcefully remove any loved ones from our homes, if they’re infected with COVID-19. UPDATE 04/10/20: According to Todd Starnes, Governor Tate

Podcast S1 E7 – Same Sex Attractions amongst ‘professing’ Christians (with video clip of interview of former gays) 🔞✔

If a professing Christian believes-in, or normalizes SSA’s amongst professing Christians, then I suggest they are either a liberal, bi-sexual, a homosexual, a false teacher, a capitulator, and/or an apostate. While discussing this very controversial subject, I discuss different forms of attraction. I tell an applicable story of a gorgeous woman that I and three