DISCLAIMER: I sometimes share excerpts from various sermons (or videos) from various Christians. However, this does not mean I endorse all views of every person shared here or in other videos on their channel. Specifically, Durbin’s theonomy. Though I’ve never voted for a Democrat, I would not vote for most Republicans. Most are pro-homosexual, and,
A friend and brother in Christ whom I love dearly emailed the below video to me. The minister gave this speech before the Oxford Union Society on the topic of “Christianity, inclusivism, and same-sex acts.” It has since become popularly known as “The Speech That Shocked the World!” Though his speech may be conservative according
In one of the many churches I’ve discerningly visited here in the Bible Belt, the pastor told me that Christians who refuse to apply for membership are intentionally “avoiding church discipline.” I suspect he was referring to me because, at that time, I had visited that church for three months (though no longer there). But
Happy Sabbath Day! This Lord’s Day is not about us, our families, our sports, our pleasures, our work, our recreation, our entertainment, or the false deity of me, myself, and I. But it is everything about our LORD. The Lord’s Fourth Commandment says, “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou
In this Podcast, I will show a video of Elders Biblically disciplining their fellow Elder in the presence of the congregation. It’s bitter-sweet to watch, but this is a good witness before the Church and a good and testimony to the world. Most importantly, please pray for the departing Pastor and all others involved.
Is country music icon Dolly Parton a false convert? Fact is, if an unregenerate person or an unrepentant Christian sit in a healthy Biblical Church, they will either be offended and leave, be convicted saved and converted, and/or be convicted repent and be restored. It appears Dolly does not have that type of Church. Let’s
The signs of a healthy & biblical Church & how I used my COVID stimulus funds to resist socialism – Podcast #41 When a Christian applies for membership at a local church. It becomes a solemn duty of that church to investigate the candidate before extending their right hand of fellowship to him or her.
In this Psalm, we will see a God who saves, a God who restores, who leads, who provides, who disciplines, who loves, and who protects and secures. I also spoke about the principle of wolves, sheep, and sheepdogs, and how I’ve applied the sheepdog principle (or discipline) in Churches. In one incident I had to
I wholeheartedly agree with Ryan Denton’s message/warning. It is my personal opinion that the “ministry” that has done the greatest disservice to the Lord’s Church in this regard, is Ray Comfort’s Way of the Master ministry. For many years they have trained-up hundreds (maybe even thousands) of women to preach the Gospel in the streets.
This video will cause me to lose more friends. But in spite of its unpopularity, a Christian must espouse a Biblical worldview, and take a Christian stance. This is also how a Christian should demonstrate, and apply Ephesians 5:1-21. I’m seeing an increase of YouTube channels that are known for decent Doctrine, but consistently sound
After spending a week reviewing many articles, videos, and Podcasts from various ‘professing’ Christians regarding the Chick-fil-A saga, I again saw nothing but compromise, and a lack of discernment. But in this Podcast I reveal that the Salvation Army is pro homosexual, including gay marriage. I also share some experiences as a police officer, and
These great commands by our Lord are rarely truly applied, obeyed and/or practiced (at least from my observations). Therefore I put this sermon together for the Lord’s people. I did an exposition of the Text, and shared several experiences, and how I applied this passage to them. The sermon notes to this teaching are available
Before you read this news article, I wanted to share some of my own thoughts. Bear in mind I have only read two articles, one by The Christian Post and the article below. I have done no further investigation. In the context of jurisprudence, the person in this article should be considered innocent, until proven
I believe this review has provided an opportunity to teach, discern, edify, sanctify Christ’s bride (Holy Spirit willing), and to glorify the Lord. Recently while at a particular venue, the Pastor recommended a booklet being made available entitled ‘Homosexuality and the Bible,’ authored by R. Nicholas Black, and published by New Growth Press and Harvest