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C.S. Lewis Barbeque – an Acts 19:19 book burning🔥

The most likely threat to our churches is not an active shooter. It’s allowing wolves in sheep’s clothing and/or their books to infiltrate our churches. And I say that as a man who has engaged active shooters in a shootout at a church. “The State that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its

Systematic Theology, Sufficiency of Scripture / Sola Scriptura

In this PowerPoint, I present the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture and sola Scriptura vs. solo Scriptura. I also address the growing trend of “churches” that no longer practice this doctrine. “In this way the sola Scriptura first became a thesis and then received a polemical and hermeneutical function in the actual life of

C.S. Lewis – Mere Heresy, by Reformation Media

Reformation Media exposes more heresies of C.S. Lewis. They reminded us “Christ warned about false teachers (Matt. 7:13), but hirelings will not (John 10:13) because they don’t care about the sheep.” They also play video clips of false teachers John Piper and Tim Keller endorsing and promoting Lewis. As I said before. The most likely

Don’t believe the lie that men and women are equal

This meme is not politically correct, but it is Biblically correct. Don’t believe the lie that men and women are equal. Albeit the secular courts and EEOC may say we’re equal, that’s not Biblical. Though men are not better than women, and yes, we are created equal in God’s image, we are unequally different. Including

Silly Rabbit, pulpits are for men

The pulpit is not an ornament or a mere piece of furniture. The pulpit exhibits and demonstrates a theological authority (Neh. 8:4). And that authority and pulpit are exclusively reserved for men only, and so women are not to man a pulpit (1 Tim. 2:12). Though it is not politically correct to say this, it

C.S. Lewis – his ecumenicalism, religious pluralism, false teachings and heresies

By God’s providence on this Lord’s Sabbath Day, this newly published video popped up on my Facebook feed.  This video exposes some of the ecumenicalism, religious pluralism, false teachings, and heresies of C.S. Lewis. The Lord saved me out of Rome, and I don’t want to look back. However, it would be better to refer to the “catholic church” (as he calls it), Roman

Beautiful Snake leaving our homestead

As I left our property, I saw this beautiful snake slithering across our gravel driveway. By the time I grabbed the cellphone camera, it was basking on the warmth of the asphalt. This is the time of the year when it’s warm enough for snakes to be seen – a lot. But since it’s not

Corrupt ATF assassinate Bryan Malinowski who was protecting his home

We must #AbolishTheATF and all 3 lettered federal agencies. The courts should also abolish no-knock warrants. It is reasonably expected for any homeowner to arm himself when an unknown intruder breaks into our homes, and to meet that threat with lethal force. And, as said by others. The only time we should see the words
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