Many years ago a pastor unbiblically told me “You should be known more for what you’re for, than for what you’re against.”… I just learned that president elect Donald Trump nominated yet another homosexual into our White House, or on his Presidential cabinet. And that is Tammy Bruce, as the spokesperson for the U.S. Department
Below is an excellent topical sermon by Matt Trewhella. He also counters the lie and erroneous teaching that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of a lack of “hospitality” rather than homosexuality. I experienced a church here in Tennessee where a pastor claimed God destroyed Sodom & Gomorrah solely because of the sin of “pride.”
As you should know, Trump is a supporter of more restrictions on gun rights as well as gun-grabbing ‘red flag’ laws. And now he has the girl just for that. As Pam Bondi stated below, under her leadership as the Top Cop. If a person or “kid” desires to have you red-flagged, they can anonymously
Most “Christians” who rightfully said it was unbiblical for a woman to be our nation’s ‘Top Cop’ when Janet Reno was appointed, are now hypocritically giving their approval for the nomination of gun-grabbing Pam Bondi as our next U.S. Attorney General. In his first presidency, Donald Trump broke our nation’s record for elevating a homosexual
With no due respect to Rep. Pramila Jayapal. Neither Tom Homan nor any man should “respect the chair” because you are sitting in it. When a woman assumes leadership or authority over men, she is sinning against God and His Divine order of creation. Therefore, your chair has no legitimate “authority.” Frankly, that would include
I miss the days we voted privately inside a booth, pulling the curtain behind us. And we had no internet to tell everyone how we voted. But today, the internet reveals just how compromised and even desperate many professing Christians have become. Some bear a bad witness seemingly being more faithless than faithful. COVID and
This election sermon was preached on October 27, 2024, by pastor Matt Trewhella at Mercey Seat Christian Church. DISCLAIMER: I sometimes share excerpts from various sermons (or videos) from various professing Christians. However, this does not mean I endorse all views of every person shared here or in other videos on their channel. trump
Though my sins as a straight man are many, it’s troubling how many ‘professing’ Christians have sinfully normalized, equalized, and/or acquiesced to homosexuality as being no different from other sins. Historically, abortion and homosexuality were known as national sins. It was normal to expect professing Christians to consider how their presidential candidates positioned themselves on
This is why I refuse to disclose my birthdate to a church. It is not about me; it is not about us. It is everything about the Triunity of the Godhead – Christ is the Head of His church. A solution to this silly horizontal worship is repent, not repeat, and practice a Regulative Principle of
Feminist Kamala Harris is a registered Text offender. The god she preaches about is not the God of the Bible. Her god is a universalist and socialist with her social justice gospel. Frankly, she sounds like the many unbiblical pro-lifers who twist God’s Holy Word with improper hermeneutics. Kamala, God’s love is exclusively for His