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Tag: Death

Is Actor James Earl Jones “RIP?”

The death of actor James Earl Jones further revealed how many professing Christians are the Simpletons the Scriptures warned about. As they ignorantly and ecumenically declared Jones to be in “heaven” where he is now “Resting in Peace” or, “RIP.” We are not omniscient, so I cannot tell you where Jones soul will spend an

An Evangelist known on YouTube & Facebook commits suicide

I’ve been reading Facebook posts and comments regarding a professing Christian that killed himself. For this blog post, let’s call him John Doe. Tantamount to how the world normalizes homosexuality, some professing Christians are minimalizing the weightiness of his sin of suicide. Some are lauding him as a “hero” for his evangelism efforts. Many are

The unboxing of my URN

Originally, this was a video to be left behind for the family to view after my death. But I decided to edit most of the content out, delete the original, and upload this portion instead. I could not imagine my family having to buy real estate to store my cadaver in the ground, hence this