January 9, 2025
Video excerpts of Los Angeles fire, the Mayor, Fire Chief & a strong warning, because love warns!
Video excerpts of the Los Angeles fire, the Mayor, Fire Chief & a strong warning, because love warns!
Palisades Fire Pacific Palisades Fire Los Angeles Los Angeles Fire LAFD Gods Judgment Eaton Fire Lidia Fire Hurst Fire Kenneth Fire Sites Fire Post Fire Aero Fire
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I wrote and posted this of Facebook today, while displaying a fire hydrant sinfully painted in gay pride rainbow colors.
Los Angeles has sinister rainbow pride fire hydrants just like this. Make no mistake, similar to Sodom and Gomorrah, God is righteously judging their land.
“Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven; And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground.” – Genesis 19:24-25
But the so-called #BibleBelt is not far away from God decreeing catastrophic judgment here. We have plenty of tolerated sexual immorality in Tennessee. And when professing “Christians” sinfully close their churches down (like today), because of a few inches of snow, the judgment of Almighty God is inevitable.
Though many fire hydrants in LA did not have the water required to fulfill their purpose, God always provided the rain needed to display his rainbow. Below is my statement and warning of the misuse of God’s rainbow.
“Gay Pride Month” and their rainbow flag are a diabolical blasphemous offense to God. God’s Noahic Covenant (the rainbow) is God’s reminder to us all, that He will never again destroy earth with a flood. But, when a sinister people group pridefully flaunts and misuses God’s rainbow, it should be a two-fold reminder that God will again judge & destroy the earth, most likely with fire. Pride month is also a reminder that God hates them and their pride, it angers Him as they store up wrath for that Day of Judgment. Tell that to any person, people group, or company that commits this crime and treason against a Holy Just God (Gen 9, Psalm 5:4-5; 7:11, Prov 6:12-19, Rom 2:5-13).
My video of the LA fire, their Mayor Fire chief here can be seen here. https://rumble.com/v67i7qm-video-excerpts-of-los-angeles…
#PalisadesFire #PacificPalisades #Fire #LosAngeles #LosAngelesFire #LAFD #GodsJudgment #EatonFire #LidiaFire #HurstFire #KennethFire #SitesFire #PostFire #AeroFire