O1 visa


Applying the Doctrine of Interposition between a Rapist & his Victim

This is the most unusual rape investigation I had. That was because the rape was still in progress when we arrived and in our presence. She was almost the “damsel” in distress that Deuteronomy 22:27 speaks of. Thanks to the woman who heard her screams and interposed by calling 911, we could physically interpose on

Doctrine of Lesser Magistrate as a Cop, not enforcing gun law

In this story, a black lady in South Central Los Angeles was illegally carrying a loaded and concealed firearm in her vehicle. I invoked the lesser magistrate doctrine, resisted the unjust California law, and did not arrest her. Doctrine Matters, Semper Reformanda! #2A #LesserMagistrate #LesserMagistrates #GunRights #SelfDefense #DoctrineMatters #ResistTyranny #ResistTyrants

Multiple videos sharing the Gospel with the Police at various venues

Too many professing Christians consistently complain about the police, and from a social perspective it’s a form of antinomianism, or being against ‘law and order’ or justice. Frankly, I expect MUCH more from Pastors and professing Christians than I do the Police. Christians are a saved regenerate changed repenting people group. But like everyone else,