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Sermon audio of Proverbs Chapters 23 & 24 (alcohol, character, defending the truth and defenseless, + more)

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Bill as TheExpositor.tvAn expository teaching of Proverbs Chapters 23 & 24, which includes but is not limited to ~

  • Tests of both good and bad character
  • Solomon’s most unusual way to use a dinner knife
  • Defending the defenseless (from the womb to the tomb, despite of Obamas healthcare)
  • Defending the truth
  • More on the evils & ills of alcohol (How the Lord transitioned me out of it. And how a local Bible teacher/leader justifies bartending)
  • Christians continuing in compromise and carnality
  • Gods original plan was organic
  • The sin of eating too much, and a lot more.

Proverbs Chapters 23 & 24 - by Bill Rhetts     
 Facebook, Twitter, email to others, or download MP3 here. https://www.theexpositor.tv/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Proverbs-2324.mp3 

Sermon jam/excerpt on Proverbs Chap 23:29-35 (Solomon’s Biblical riddle on alcohol. The question, then the answer and the profile)