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Sermon audio on Proverbs Chapter 1 (was told this message was “Orthodox Christianity”)

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Tonight was our first night in our expositional study through the book of Proverbs. This below sermon includes, but is not limited to ~

  • A brief introduction to this great book
  • the preamble or prologue
  • shunning evil
  • the call to wisdom
  • to fear the Lord
  • receiving wise council vs rejecting it
  • feminism in the church, and the Jezebel spirit
  • the manipulation of Gods Word
  • peer pressure
  • being unequally yoked
  • the 7 deadly snares
  • the wrongs with desiring to get rich quick
  • and why America is near implosion.

Proverbs Chapter 1 - by Bill Rhetts     
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In Christ, Bill Rhetts