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Two videos on “Being married to a street preacher,” by Jane Farrer

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I wanted to give a preface to these two videos. Jane Farrer is the wife of open-air preacher Kevin Farrer. Their ministry is “Cry to God Ministries,” located in Calif. Kevin often does what’s called “crying out” or being a “crier” (please watch Kevin’s video explaining this here). He’s been open-air preaching for 30 years.

Jane speaks on how important it is for a wife to support and encourage her husband’s open-air preaching ministry.

In video #1 Jane warned of wives “nagging,” or “complaining” about their husbands’ open-air ministry. She warned how they could actually “hinder” the Lords work in their ministry. I am thankful that my wife does not nag, complain, nor hinder the Lords work in our ministry. She’s an excellent supporter of my open-air ministry.

In video #2 Jane tells how the wife must be an encourager, because sadly most local churches won’t even support street preaching. She then shares how her pastors wife once “sowed a seed of bitterness” by making a rude remark about her husband’s absence one Sunday morning (while he was street preaching at a large event). Oh how easy it is for one to sow a seed of bitterness. Consequently the recipient must labor on their knees in prayer, asking the Lord to take those seeds away (thou laboring on our knees in prayer is always a good thing).

Sister Jane thank you for your videos. Brother Kevin the Lord was gracious in bestowing such a wonderful beautiful gracious wife to you. I am thankful for mine as well. Keep up the good work. “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord” (Proverbs 18:22).”

DISCLAIMER: IPOC Ministries makes an effort to share excerpts from various sermons (or videos), from various Christians. However, this does not mean that IPOC endorses all views of every person shared here, or other videos on their channel.

Part 1/2

Part 2/2

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