O1 visa

Video of the Pakistani woman @ the DMV (she has a message for you)

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I generally don’t upload conversations, but with her permission I did this one. I edited out the more personal parts. I love the story about her parents. Please pray for her family and the funeral.

The Redlands DMV supervisor (whom professes to be a Christian,) has called the police (CHP) many times. Therefore now I have to preach from the sidewalk with amplification. I don’t’ believe in the lie that there’s an actual ‘separation of the church and state.’ That’s is why I bring the ‘church to the state.’ The DMV has a Chaplain that they can’t seem to shut up.

I preached from Psalm 119:153-160 (I’m almost done with the book Psalm.) I forgot to mention ‘repentance’ in this message, but the tracts covers that well. To GOD be the glory!

“I think the most awesome task tonight is not to be the president of the United States, or a king of an empire. But to be a man who stands [preaches] between a living God and a dying people.” ~ Leonard Ravenhill

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