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Tag: 1689

Systematic Theology, Sufficiency of Scripture / Sola Scriptura

In this PowerPoint, I present the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture and sola Scriptura vs. solo Scriptura. I also address the growing trend of “churches” that no longer practice this doctrine. “In this way the sola Scriptura first became a thesis and then received a polemical and hermeneutical function in the actual life of

Happy Sabbath Day! This Lord’s Day is not about us…

Happy Sabbath Day! This Lord’s Day is not about us, our families, our sports, our pleasures, our work, our recreation, our entertainment, or the false deity of me, myself, and I. But it is everything about our LORD. The Lord’s Fourth Commandment says, “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou

Using Facebook groups to fill pulpits in churches?

For the purpose of providing “pulpit supply” for 1689 Confessional churches, or 1689 churches that unfortunately do not have a plurality of elders, I saw the following post on The Reformed Baptist Coalition Facebook page. After many commented by inserting their States of residency, the author replied with this. I responded with the following comment.

More reasons why I am against livestreaming church services

I understand most professing Christians that are a proponent of livestreaming will disagree with me. But I’m not trying to change their minds, nor will I argue with them on social media. If it’s God’s will, He will change their minds. And if I’m wrong, then perhaps He’ll change mine. If you disagree with me,