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A must see sermon video entitled ‘An Unquenchable Fire: The Wrath of God,’ by Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III

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With the Presidential election ‘finally’ here, I find this sermon to be in Gods perfect providence.

Dr. Duncan debunks the man-made cliché, that “God loves the sinner, but hates the sin.” In this sermon He speaks from the Scriptures as how Gods wrath is demonstrated to ‘three different people groups,’ as well as to Nations. And most of the verses He uses are from the New Testament. Yes the God of the right side of the Bible, is the same God that’s on the left side of the Bible.

Though this sermon was given in 2015, with the state of our morally depraved Nation, this message is a must hear. As Duncan stated –

“There are three main categories of people, who are the object of the wrath of God in the Scriptures. In the Old Testament especially, it is stressed that the Nations are the object of the wrath of God. Have you read the prophets lately? The Words of Gods judgment against the Nations. He will visit His wrath against the Nations who have rebelled against Him. Jon Knox reminds us frighteningly. That because that Nations do not have souls, God must visit all His judgment on them temporally in history. That is a frightening thought my friends.”

It saddens me that today the majority of ‘professing’ Christians truncate the attribute or doctrine of Gods wrath. That would include many pastors, as well as their many sheep. Because they failed to preach, teach, ‘or post’ the whole counsel of the Word of God, the blood of men will be on their hands (Acts 20:25-26). This same God that is infinite in love, is also infinite in wrath.

Additionally if you would like to watch my video teaching on “The Great White Throne Judgment,” and the ‘five people groups’ that will receive the eternal wrath of God, click here. – Bill 🙂

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