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An 8-minute video on ‘Theology is important from Hosea 4:6,’ by Dr. Wayne Grudem

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There is a dangerous trend on Facebook, which claims ‘Theology does not matter.’ I could not imagine a subject more important than the ‘study of God and His Word.’ In this short video Dr. Grudem better explains why.

In addition to the Bible, I recommend the following reads on Systematic Theology (which I have in my library).

  • A Puritan Theology, Doctrine for Life, by Dr. Joel R. Beeke and Dr. Mark Jones
  • Biblical Doctrine, a Systematic Summary of Bible Truth, by Dr. John Macarthur and Dr. Richard Mayhue
  • Great Doctrines of the Bible, (three volumes in one), by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
  • Systematic Theology, an Introduction to Biblical Doctrine, by Dr. Wayne Grudem (Disclaimer: Thankfully I learned allot from Grudem’s work. But I disagree with his use of the NIV, and it came across as too ecumenical, and a bit ‘on the fence.’ Nonetheless, this is a great “introduction”).

These are comprehensive books, but I highly recommend them, because #TheologyMatters.

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