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An audio message of the funeral for my dad – Bill Rhetts, Sr. by Bill Rhetts, Jr.

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Bill Rhetts SrAn audio message of the funeral for my dad – Bill Rhetts, Sr., by Bill Rhetts, Jr.

Today I had the privilege of officiating my dad’s funeral. Our parents’ pastor was gracious to bestow that honor to me.

The chapel was well attended with family that we hadn’t seen in many years. As well as friends, we hadn’t seen in decades.

The Lords Spirit of conviction and exhortation, prompted me to give a message different from most post-modern messages heard at funerals today. Because love without the truth, and the ‘whole counsel’ of God, is not a Biblical love (Act 20:26-27.) Frankly, over the years while attending many funerals, I have heard too many lies; and/or crucial Biblical truths withheld in their messages. “Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin” James 4:17.

Therefore, I did not only speak about Gods ‘love,’ and ‘heaven.’  I also shared remarks and Scriptures that spoke about ~

  • the wrath and judgment of God, to those that are not saved
  • that only repented born-again Christians will go to heaven
  • the warnings of “religion,” and that Jesus repudiated religion
  • Jesus warned that many non-saved “believers,” will perish in hell for an eternity
  • Jesus warned them about the “narrow gate”
  • the fact that some of our (your) friends and/or family, will tragically go to hell; and some will go to heaven
  • the time-line when my dad was born-again (saved)
  • some of the evidences of salvation
  • that it’s impossible to be a Christian, while willfully rejecting Gods Word
  • mortality vs immortality, and our corruption vs incorruption
  • the way of Salvation
  • the commandment to both “repent, and believe in the Gospel”
  • what my mother and I experienced, as we witnessed dad take his last “gasp” of air.

It was a blessing to honor my dad, sisters, mother, family, and his friends in this way. Moreover, “I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart: and I will glorify thy name for evermore.” Psalm 86:12

Here is the 23 minute message audio via our built in mp3 player.

The funeral message of Bill Rhetts, Sr. - by Bill Rhetts, Jr.     

If the mp3 player doesn’t work for you, use the player below (or click on link here).

The funeral message of Bill Rhetts, Sr. - by Bill Rhetts, Jr.     

The order of service ~

  • Processional
  • Opening prayer / welcome by pastor Randy Burke
  • Slide show
  • Song by Marsaisa Byrd (this powerful amazing song can be heard here.)
  • Message by Bill Rhetts, Jr. inside the Sunny Hills Chapel
  • Open microphone for family and/or friends
  • Closing song by Marsaisa Byrd
  • Recessional
  • A ceremony presented by the United States Navy (the bugler played taps, the triangular flag fold, and the presentation of the flag to my mother)
  • Graveside service presided by pastor Randy Burke
  • Reception immediately following.

I’ll see you soon big daddio!

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