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Tag: Marriage

Desperate “Christians” rallying for feminist Kari Lake

I miss the days we voted privately inside a booth, pulling the curtain behind us. And we had no internet to tell everyone how we voted. But today, the internet reveals just how compromised and even desperate many professing Christians have become. Some bear a bad witness seemingly being more faithless than faithful. COVID and

Applying Genesis 2:24 both ways, to leave & cleave

Some don’t understand how a married couple can move thousands of miles away, leaving every family member, child, grandchildren, and relative behind. Genesis 2:24 says “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” That applies to not only newlyweds, but that

Men, be watchful of books given to your family – Federal Headship

The original sin in the garden was named after Adam – aka the first Adam, not Eve. Albeit Eve sinned in the garden, Adam was responsible. So it was thru Adam that sin entered the entire human race (Rom 5:12). Adam is the predecessor of sin and representative of all mankind (aka federal headship).   Therefore, today’s husbands