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Graphic video shows female LAPD officer getting shot, her partner eradicates the suspect (Mission Division Critical Incident #NRF047-18)

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Seeing any officer get shot is difficult to watch, but for me, it’s even more difficult to see a female officer shot. I’d like to discuss the following two points.

  • Watch how well the suspect makes the officers believe that his hands are free of any weapons. He had plenty of time to practice in prison.
  • This again is more evidence, that liberal gun restriction laws do not make our communities safer. Because it was already a felony for this suspect to possess this firearm.

In closing. To born-again Christians. Remember to pray for the safety of the officers in your city. But more importantly, pray for their salvation as you share the Gospel with them (in this video I serve the Chief of Police with an IPOC Gospel Tract). For more LAPD related posts, click on my LAPD tag here.


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