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My analysis of the news story “Revival hits army base with 1459 receiving Christ”

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When I saw the below news article entitled “Revival hits army base with 1459 receiving Christ,” I just had to read it. Though there are many things wrong with this story, the following is my synopsis.

Their so-called “found faith” is not something to be found. Faith is a gift from the Lord (Eph 2:7-9).

Today the word “revival” has lost its meaning, it’s rarely a true Biblical revival, and is almost always about man-centered emotionalism.

The Gospel is not a “rolled out…new program called Faith Works…” that promotes “spiritual resilience.”

They advised that they would only preach “His message of reconciliation if, and when, the time fits.” But the Bible says to “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine” (2 Timothy 4:2).

Their alleged salvation’s cannot be assured thru an unbiblical sinner’s prayer, as you “prayed with him to receive Jesus Christ as his Savior.”

You stated that an alleged new convert “asked Jesus Christ into his heart.” Breaking news. Jesus does not need anyone’s permission, and He’s not waiting for others to invite Him into their heart.

There’s nothing wrong with “listening” to others as you place an emphasis on, but when Jesus preached, He said let THEM have ears to hear, not the other way around (Matt 13:1-9).

They preach a user-friendly prosperity Jesus that will help them with their problems. You said “He can not only help you to deal with the challenges of daily living…” But the Biblical Jesus promised the true convert, troubles, persecution, and/or even death.

Salvation is of the Lord, not of man. Salvation is not a ballgame where we keep score. Truth is, we cannot know if a person is truly saved of Christ’s Incorruptible Seed, until their lives (and fruit) have been examined thru a test of time. These unbiblical soteriologies, are worse than unbiblical, they are anti-biblical, and heretical. Even if a stranger read my Gospel tract in my presence, and then stated “I believe this.” I would never declare him then as being saved, lest I be a liar, a false teacher, or blasphemously claim to be omniscient.

The “Southern Baptist Church,” and/or “Southern Baptist Convention” (the SBC) is creating lots of false converts, as it continues to apostatize before our very own eyes.

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