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Revelation chapter 11 (a verse by verse exposition. The assassination of 2 witnesses & applying the Fontana murder scene)

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Revelation chapter 11Revelation chapter 11 (A verse by verse exposition. The assassination of two witnesses & how verse 10 had some similarities to a murder crime scene in Fontana)

An outline:

  • The Nation Israel has returned to their land in unbelief
  • They had made a covenant with a sinister political leader
  • Their corrupt leader promised them protection & religious freedom
  • The Temple is rebuilt with an attempt of restoring their Mosaic tradition
  • John begins following his marching orders from chapter 10 to prophesy
  • Vs 1-6 are the ‘two prophetic witnesses’
  • Vs 7-10  the anti-Christ retaliates & ‘assassinates the two witnesses.’ And how verse 10 had some similarities to a murder crime scene in Fontana that I investigated in the City of Fontana five years ago.
  • Vs 11-14 the ‘two wits are resurrected,’ and the ‘great earthquake’
  • Vs 15-19 the ‘7th trumpet judgment sounds off.’
Revelation Chapter 11 - by Bill Rhetts     

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