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Scathing 2-minute video on ‘Sports gods, sports idolatry & idol worship’

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This brief video has an important message for the church. And no, I am not saying that sports are a sin. Nor am I legislating my conviction upon everyone else. However, sports are a sin if sports become an idol in our lives, as they were in my past.

If there is anything in our lives that we have more time for, passion for, or knowledge of than God (and His Word), then it is a false god (or idol). Jesus said that the ‘idolaters’ will be cast into the lake of fire. Everyone from time to time has idols in their lives, but we must repent, not repeat.

Imagine how better this fallen world would be if every professing Christian transferred the time spent watching ball games into sharing the Gospel in the public realm. I thank God, He gave me a Holy hatred for this corrupt, greedy, woke, filthy lucre and waste of time.

In addition to the below 2-minute video, please watch “Sports Fanatics: Just a Game or a Religion?”


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