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Video of a police officer attempting to silence an open-air preacher at Ft. Myers Beach, Florida (he’s later arrested)

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IPOC logo radial jpgVideo of a police officer attempting to silence an open-air preacher at Ft. Myers Beach

This police officer (deputy) made false accusations, and attempted to legislate his own laws. Once the deputy realized he was being taped, he changed his tune real fast.

The officer lied, and made up his own laws contrary to the constitution. He even quoted the wrong “Terry” case law. It’s ‘Terry vs Ohio,’ not Terry vs the United States.

This officer not only was there under the spirit of the anti-Christ, he is a tyrant. It is my opinion that had this not been videotaped, he would had either continued writing that citation, or he would have arrested and taken these Christians away; for a trumped up bogus crime. Notice his comments and insinuations about “children?”

This preacher stood his ground well, and was very respectful. As Paul said, “remain steadfast in your faith.”

Although these confrontations are to be expected.

  1. The Bible foretold that preachers would be met with opposition, and even arrest.
  2. We appreciate law enforcement, but only a fraction of the police population are actually born-again.
  3. I’ve experienced this within law enforcement, and in the ministry .

January 2nd, 2014.This soldier for Christ (Adam) was later arrested by another deputy (video #2.) However he prevailed in court. In the second video he talks about his court case, and he releases the video footage of his arrest. Well done faithful servant. Pray for Adam and his wonderful wife, as they work this ministry together.

February 2014, Adam is snatched up by the police again. Blog post / video here.

DISCLAIMER: IPOC Ministries makes an effort to share sermon excerpts from various videos, and full sermons from various pastors. In other words, it’s not all about us. However, this does not mean that IPOC endorses all doctrinal views, of every pastor (or person) shared here. As a ministry, it is important to not be so denominational, or IPOC minded; that we’ve excluded everyone else. 

Video 1/2

Video 2/2

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