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Video of an expository teaching on the Epistle of 1 John Chapter 5:14-21 (the dangers of playing Christian roulette)

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This is my last and final expositional teaching of the 1st Epistle of John (chapter 5:14-21). This study includes but is not limited to, an LAPD response to a domestic violence / suicide call, playing Russian roulette or ‘Christian roulette’ with our sins (FYI according to a Google search, it looks like I coined that phrase, but I did learn there is a man bearing that exact name). Confidence in Christ, compassion in prayer, praying for Gods will, not our will; and how sin hinders our prayer. Refuting the false teaching that ‘all sin is as equal as all other sins,’ and when God stops a man’s heart. Knowing the truth, rejecting the false. Trusting in the Lord with the modern day imprisonment of Christians. Professed Christians that have not parrésia, and that are ashamed of, and/or embarrassed of the public preaching of the Gospel. When God allows Satan to harm a Christian. Not allowing discouragers within your own fellowship to discourage you. And growing in Christ, and knowing Christ more.

The watch the entire study throughout the Epistles of John, click on our tag here. This is also available in mp3 audio format here.

Video coming soon –


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