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Video of an expository teaching on the Epistle of 1st John Chapter 1

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Sorry for the abrupt / chopped up beginning, but after uploading, I decided to trim / edit 18-minutes off the beginning. My intro was too chatty. In this expositional teaching of 1st John chapter 1, I did a verse by verse exegetical teaching on the Scriptures. This teaching will include (but is not limited to) Gnosticism, Biblical fellowship, ecumenicalism, religious pluralism, false converts, the assurance of salvation. The false doctrine called sinless perfectionism (two different forms of it), unbiblical soteriology’s, being unequally yoked, and the Biblical meaning of ‘confessing’ our sins to Jesus Christ.

The paper on the unbiblical sinner’s prayer can be seen here (in article format).

The watch the entire study throughout the Epistles of John, click on our tag here. This is also available in mp3 audio format here.

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