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Video ‘Are your sins covered, or are you covering them up – repent or perish’

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The Lord used this short message to edify a couple Christians. One brother encouraged me to press-on. Then another couple got fired-up advising they would love to attend a Vietnamese church. I did some research, and thanks to some Facebook friends, I plugged them both into a Vietnamese church in San Bernardino. There was one angry man that professed to be a believer, but due to the fact that he was wearing a baseball cap sporting a marijuana leaf insignia, and that he told me that he did not have time to talk about Christ, I suspect he’s either a wolf, or a false convert (but I could be wrong). I don’t usually rebuke people in this line at this location, but I felt compelled to rebuke him. I edited that portion out of this video, and might upload it later as a stand-alone clip.

Music ‘Praise God from whom all blessings flow,’ by Hymns.

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