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Video of the Police State’s new Micro Air Vehicle (MAV,) unobtrusive, invasive, and lethal weapon. Or perhaps this…

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The Police State

Video of the Police State’s new Micro Air Vehicle (MAV,) unobtrusive, invasive, and lethal weapon. Undetected, hundreds can be dropped over a city. But the fact is, all they need is just one. Trust me, it won’t be used solely for international warfare. It will be used against American citizens.

Or perhaps this could be (could be) the birth and trial run of one of those future plagues that I spoke about in Revelation Chapter 9, re the Fifth & Sixth Trumpet judgments: “The plaques of the Locusts.” It is not known if these will be real locusts, or man made “robotic machinery,” and/or both. An audio of that message can be heard here. I also showed a similar video in church.

Revelation Chapter 9 - by Bill Rhetts     
or download here. drone


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