Seeing the police use excessive force on peaceful protestors in Ottawa Canada is allegorical to how #LAPD colleague’s crippled pro-lifers during their Operation Rescue protests. That #tyranny was rooted in a false teaching on Romans 13, that came out of a popular church in Sun Valley, California. I am proud of these Canadian citizens. Albeit
Though this Mt. Vernon public-school board is part of the world system, so naturally they would follow the advice of the world. But what troubles me much more, is that local churches are unnaturally following the advice of the world. I just learned a local Church in our mountain community is hosting vaccination clinics. They
In this episode, I discuss the tyranny of the Greensville Police Dept, as they issue 25 citations to Christians during their church service. And how America’s current administration has embraced an agency that desires to forcefully remove any loved ones from our homes, if they’re infected with COVID-19. UPDATE 04/10/20: According to Todd Starnes, Governor Tate
In this episode, I discuss the new division within Christianity, and how it has become a local “church killer.” I then talk about two constitutional elected officials, who are not submitting to the unlawful demands of the White House. They are State of Maine’s Franklin County Sheriff ‘Scott Nichols,’ and the Governor of South Dakota,
In this Podcast I analyze a pastor’s video message, rebuking his apathy (or cowardness), and his elitist attitude. Costi Hinn made snotty derogatory remarks against Christians if they found a Biblical way to “work around the government” calling us nothing but “social revolutionaries,” or “zealots” and even “dangerous” to society. And he did that while
Podcaster Jon Harris created a new YouTube channel ‘The Church and Covid-19.’ He asked a handful of Christians to participate in answering a series of questions. Jon asked us to keep our responses brief. Those responses were then complied into his most recent podcast. The first video is an excerpt of his labor of love,
Next week President Trump will have spent one TRILLION dollars fighting an invisible virus that God decreed, and is in absolute control of. That trillion will be added to our existing 23 trillion dollar debt. As the media sensationalizes this melodrama, he will use the taxpayers’ money to fund this socialist stimulus/bail-out package. He even
Here’s some common sense from Dr. Ron Paul, a medical doctor, and retired U.S. Congressman. The Trump administration has turned this into a “hoax,” and his advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci is pulling his strings. Too many professing Christians believe Trump can do no wrong, even knowing Trumps’ “spiritual advisor” is a false prophet, Paula White.
It is a bad testimony that many professing Christians on social media demonstrate a lack of faith, or trust in the Lord through these various troubles. Henceforth, here is my Podcast on the CoronaVirus – COVID-19. And no, my gas mask is not for the CoronaVirus. That was to grab your attention. The Lord Jesus
Though Christians should be engaged in our culture, as we love our neighbor, but not without being ‘salt and light.’ Apparently many don’t understand what being ‘salt and light’ truly is (according to the Scriptures). Furthermore, Christians are commanded to go out and preach (or share) the glorious Gospel, that is the paramount remedy. Having
DISCLAIMER: The following documentary is not a Christian produced/directed film. Hence IPOC Ministries is not aligning themselves with the producer, director, nor any other person(s) affiliated with this film. IPOC is not an anti-government organization. However as your sheepdog, I believe in warning the sheep. – Chaplain Bill. A Christian friend from California Nurses for
However this will not be the time ‘for all’ to hide out, some must ‘go out’ and preach the glorious Gospel. And all the born-again believers said “amen.” For more links on persecution, click on our persecution tag here. For more Watchman applicable posts, click on our Watchman tag here.
A counter detail to Law Enforcements socialist communist “Cash for Guns” program Last night a uniquely picked group of men (myself included) met with Phillip Naman, for a press conference with a media spokesperson. Naman’s the radio talk show host of the “Firing Line” radio show heard, on KTIE 590AM. As you should know this
The following teaser is from “The Christian Film Project,” and the description is from their Producer. Below “is a little sneak preview of our Law Enforcement Technical Advisor [Bill Rhetts] walking the cast through scene one of “The Old Woman.” This film is about the persecution of the church. And yes law enforcement will play a significant role in this persecution.