A Church Militant will MAGA! This is an excerpt from my sermon on Psalm 51, just days after Biden was elected. Trying to keep us fixed and focused on Christ, and… https://youtu.be/7a1iNOsdYHY #MAGA #VICE #BiblicalEvangelism
This was from last weeks week long ‘ABC & VICE enforcement’ Gospel campaign. Frankly I spent too much time talking to this bouncer, and this is the short version. But then again, there was not a lot of customers coming in and out, so at least it was not a waste of time. What I
With the world nearing a thermo-nuclear war, as North Korea has placed California specifically in her target, the least and best I can do is sound the trumpet, and warn the masses of Gods wrath, and eternal hellfire. But sadly most people were just like in the days of Noah. They were eating and drinking,
On this day I either shared the Gospel or preached the Gospel with everyone everywhere. From bars, to a nude bar (on the outside), to markets, the gas pumps, lunch crowds, buses, bus stops, a crime scene, and a whole lot more. Please watch for the two full sermons leading to a response from the
“In answer to your inquiry, I consider that the chief dangers which confront the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and heaven without hell.” – William Booth, Founder of The Salvation Army “I think the most awesome task tonight is
“If the professed convert distinctly and deliberately declares that he knows the Lord’s will but does not mean to attend to it, you are not to pamper his presumption, but it is your duty to assure him that he is not saved. Do not suppose that the Gospel is magnified or God glorified by going
Today I preached the Gospel, pleaded for many to ‘repent and believe,’ handed out Gospel tracts, and engaged in ‘one on ones.’ I highly recommend listening to this conversation with “Judy.” She says she became saved when she ‘repeated the prayer’ and ‘accepted’ Jesus into her heart. She left before I was able to better
Today while in the area I decided to stop by to open-air preach. I have never evangelized at this strip club. I arrived at 11:45AM, but only to learn this place didn’t open until 12:00PM. Due to another commitment I had, I was only able to labor here for 20 minutes. I pray that much
My more passive ecumenical Christian police friends may not approve of the way I witnessed to these cops that responded. But we must seize every opportunity to share Christ with every soul that stands before us. Even knowing that it was the enemy of Christ that called the police. The Lord ordained those officers steps
One of the conversations was so delicate, that I chose to not upload it. But here’s a few of many conversations. In case you did not know, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in favor of nude bars whereas they are given much more liberty as to what they can do with patrons (or vice
The Apostle Paul set his sights to preach in places where Christ had never been preached. That is what the Lord is pressing us to do. “And so I have made it my aim to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build on another man’s foundation,” Romans 15:20. The following
Update: I cited the wrong verse to her. Regarding my response to her, that we are to judge with a “righteous judgment,” see John 5:30 & John 7:24. This brief commentary better explains how she takes the Lord Jesus out of context, stating that we are to never judge http://www.bible.ca/ef/expository-matthew-7-1-5.htm This is the same nude
Today I preached, and cried out, in front of this nude bar. I was present no longer than 30 minutes. Thou they may not understand it yet. Nevertheless, what was “harassing” these folks, was the Sword of His Spirit. An interesting observation, was they had a large male bouncer walking in and out of that
The following is in response to some Facebook comments that we receive. Many Christians often ask regarding our outreaches, “what were your results?” Or, they will ask questions like, “Did anyone accept Jesus into their heart? Or, “did anyone make any decisions?” We do not partake in that type of evangelism. Because it would be