Video outreach ‘If it breaths then HE leads’ (sharing or preaching the Gospel with everyone, the crime scene, nude bars, bars, restaurants, markets & more)
On this day I either shared the Gospel or preached the Gospel with everyone everywhere. From bars, to a nude bar (on the outside), to markets, the gas pumps, lunch crowds, buses, bus stops, a crime scene, and a whole lot more.
Please watch for the two full sermons leading to a response from the adulterous woman that plans to murder her baby. And the ‘amazing encounter’ inside a bar. They are both in this video. Lord willing those videos will be coming soon. This video is only a portion of a full day’s labor of love.
Music ‘The Final Battle’ by Lorne Balfe.
To see more videos and/or posts related to ‘bars,’ click on our bar tag here. For ‘nude bars,’ click on our nude bar tag here. To watch my teaching on ‘alcohol,’ click here.
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About The Author
Bill Rhetts
An ordinary sinner saved by an Extraordinary Savior. Radically saved, and radically changed, by a Radical God. For more details, see the above 'About me' tab.