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Pastor Justin Trevino on ‘Should you move for a Church or plant one?’

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A large portion of my born-again Christian social media friends are in need of a Biblical healthy local church (they’re scattered sheep). If you’re one of them, perhaps this testimony will encourage you.

Once Justin Trevino realized that his church (former) was unbiblical, he was at a crossroads. There were no healthy churches near him. So, does he move out of town to attend a healthy church? Or does he plant one?

As I said about Jesse Barrington’s church plant. “Many believe that a healthy church must be planted by another church. Though that would be better in most cases, it is not necessary in all…

Trevino contacted ‘I’ll Be Honest’ ministries, and he spoke with pastor Tim Conway. Conway became his ‘mentor at large,’ and encouraged him to stay-put, and see if the Lord perhaps might formalize his home study into a church.

And history tells the rest of this story. Henceforth listen to ‘pastor’ Justin’s testimony below.

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