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So, I am scheduled for another colonoscopy, will history repeat itself?

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To most, a colonoscopy is a non-eventful medical procedure. But when I had my last colonoscopy, I endured a heart attack while in the recovery room. I remember the last words I heard was my wife saying, “Bill your lips are blue!”

It was a blessing in disguise because it happened in the presence of medical professionals. After being transferred to another hospital, it was then I learned I was a “walking dead man.” Though I was symptomatic, I did not know how bad I was. Therefore, by God’s Divine providence, He provided me with a diagnosis. 

That heart attack set off a chain of events that changed my life (or way of life). A few months later I endured three full cardiac arrests. After waking up in another hospital, my doctor told me they had declared me “clinically dead.”

Since I am apprehensive of another colonoscopy, I sought the medical advice of three different medical professionals. My primary care physician, cardiologist, and nurse practitioner. All of them agree that another colonoscopy is a necessary but reasonable risk.

Through various hospitalizations, the Lord taught me much. He taught me to pray less for myself and more for others. He convicted me of being too specific or too self-seeking in my prayers. Too much of what I desired or hoped for, for myself or others. That I wrongfully thought it necessary to tell an all-knowing (omniscient) God all the details of what was going on. The fact is, His foreknowledge (proginōskō) already knew. He taught me to give prayers of thanksgiving more often.

The Lord reaffirmed that those bumper sticker cliches “Prayer changes things,” or “There’s power in our prayer” are man-centered. The fact is there’s no power in my prayer. But there is power in an Omnipotent God and how He sovereignly decrees to answer our prayers. 

My Mentor in how to pray is the Lord Jesus Himself. Even under the most difficult circumstances, far worse than any of us have experienced, or ever will. God recorded throughout His Scriptures, Jesus prayed, “Father, Thy will be done!”

It says to Christians in 1 John 5:14,

“And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us:”  

Therefore, the Godliest prayer a man can pray, is, “Lord let Your will be done, not mine!” (Domine, fiat voluntas tua!)

If His will is that I experience no difficulties, I will rejoice and give thanks. If He decrees me to have another heart attack, or full arrest(s,) by His grace I will rejoice and give thanks. If He decrees me to die, I will truly be rejoicing and giving thanks. For God’s elect, death is not the end of the world, it is the beginning of an eternity with Him.

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” - 1 Thessalonians 5

To know more about the salvation He has given me, click here or below.

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