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Video of Ronnie crying out @ outdoor event, as others distributed tracts

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Last night rather than standing ‘on the box’ preaching through the Word, Ronnie and I switched off ‘crying out.’ Unlike most nights, where it’s non-stop preaching; tonight were many one-on-one conversations. As well as conversations with small groups.

Between us, Rodney and Curtis; we handed out approximately 500 Gospel tracts. At the end, we saw none on the ground.

Interestingly, present tonight were the same three churches that had tables / booths set up. As usual they were peddling mans books; but no Bibles, or no Gospel tracts. Folks, only the Word of God is inerrant and infallible.

As we were leaving, six Christians approached us to ask us some questions. They ranged from the approximate ages of 18-26. We discussed how the contemporary church within America, has become so unbiblical in so many ways. One of them agreed that these fast food – drive through altar calls are responsible for many false conversions. He stated, “I’ve been sold of bill of goods.”

I am so thankful for the many Christians that we met tonight. I hope and pray they were as encouraged as we were. Glory to the Highest!

I did not video tape the private conversations. My hands were too full to video tape much else, but here’s a little video.

Disclaimer: This was not an IPOC Ministries outreach. It was a joint effort by many Christians, from different churches and ministries.

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