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Video: Witnessed to another Fortune Teller – Necromancer, but she called 911

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The Lord pressed it on my heart, to not be so solely concerned about large crowds for my open-air preaching. But to also reach-out to those ‘individuals,’ that others would not.

I then began thinking and praying about all the locations, I’ve investigated as an LAPD undercover VICE Cop. One of the many VICE’s I’ve investigated, was ‘necromancers, fortunetellers, and/or palm readers.’  We just finished our tour, of witnessing to many of these locations.

Even knowing she had full knowledge that she was being tape recorded, I decided to edit this video. My intent is not to later ridicule people online, as I do love the lost. She heard as much of the Gospel, as I could manage to tell her.

Those other locations that ‘heard’ the Gospel, can also later ‘read’ the Gospel thru our Gospel tracts. On judgment day, none of them can say that they did not know of their consequences, according to the Gospel.

We’re still working on more Pernanai stores, perhaps massage parlors will be next. Although I will skip the massage, as that could turn into sin. Pray for IPOC, as we continue our IPOC mission. To strive to “glorify the Lord, edify the saints, and to evangelize to the lost.” Also, if you would like to financially support us, we’re almost out of tracts.

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