We live in a time when a majority of professing Christians, and local churches from all denominations, have devalued Biblical masculine preaching. Instead, they prefer sermonettes, gentle sharing, a soft tone, mutually cooperative debates, casual conversationalism, and/or the use of other methods that are only secondary to true bold preaching (or methods that shouldn’t be used at
Amen and amen. The Bible is where I desire to spend the majority of my time reading and studying. Lord let Thy Word be my main course, and all my ‘other books,’ no more than a supplemental side dish. Sola Scriptura! For more videos from Dr. Lawson, click on my Steve Lawson tag here.
Most of my ‘mentors at large’ are old dead men, but Dr. Steven J. Lawson is one of my postmodern ‘mentors at large.’ Lord let it be Your will that I might continue preaching Your Gospel to many each day (as well as others). This message is exclusively for those that are saved, not to
Once upon a time I was ecumenical, but no more. Christians must flee from this. But when a Christian stands firm on the ‘inerrant sufficient’ Scriptures, while avoiding ecumenicalism and/or religious pluralism, our ministry opportunities will be less. Below are two of my most recent experiences. Last year I was offered a paid position with
After listening to Dr. Lawson’s message on Psalm 90, I have decided to commit the entire book of Psalms to my next ‘personal’ study. But rather than keep it personal, Lord willing I will videotape an expository – exegetical teaching via my YouTube channel (from my study at home). Though I am not King James
Dr. Steve Lawson hits a home run in describing what it means to be ‘reformed.’ Too many of our postmodern pastors and Christians are either misled, or uneducated regarding this subject. As another said ~ “Of course, the Reformers themselves traced their doctrine to Scripture, as indicated by their credo of “sola scriptura,” so Reformed
“Our knowledge of God (Theology) is the continental divide in the Christian life. The most important thing about you is what comes into your mind when you think of God. It is our knowledge of God that determines what we think, and how we think, and how we act, and what we believe, how we
This is an excellent sermon on the ‘doctrine of definite atonement,’ preached by a scholarly of scholars. I was not saved because I ‘accepted Jesus into my heart.’ I was not saved because I ‘closed my eyes, bowed my head, and raised my hand’ in an unbiblical altar call. I was not saved because I
The ‘prosperity’ and ‘word of faith’ false teachers teach that anytime a Christian man (or woman) suffers, that it is because of “sin in their life.” That is an unbiblical assessment. Yes it is true that the Lord does chasten those whom He loves, and He does still punish Christians via various methods, including death.
Dr. Steve Lawson of Christ Fellowship Baptist Church is an excellent preacher, Bible expositor, and teacher. Here he was asked what is the Gospel message. Though he didn’t mention ‘repentance,’ this is one of the best impromptu presentations of the Gospel I’ve heard. As always – Ye must be born again. Repent – be salt